English III: Calendar of Learning

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kevin Bales: How to Combat Modern Slavery (DUE 10/31)

What are your thoughts on modern slavery?

DIRECTIONS: Watch the video and respond to it with your thoughts and reactions. Address the following questions with well-developed paragraphs for each:
  • What is the current definition of slavery? (1-para.)
  • How does slavery happen in today's world? (1-para.)
  • Where in the world is slavery practiced in this day and age? (1-para.)
  • What kinds of people tend to fall victim to the horrors of slavery? (1-para.)
  • What is the remarkable difference between American slavery of yesteryear and slavery in the modern world? (1-para.)
  • What is a "freedom dividend"? (1-para.)
  • What is our "botched emancipation"? (1-para.)
  • What are your thoughts about modern slavery? What does liberation look like? (1-para.)
  • According to the video, what does it take to end modern slavery?
Please write all responses in the comment box provided.


  1. The definition of slavery has yet to change. To this day, it is still people working without pay. It is still under threat of violence. These people cannot walk away. All of these 27 million people are forced to work under inhuman circumstances.
    Slavery is the result of population explosion, extreme poverty and vulnerability, and most important, police corruption. When the safety of lives is corrupted for some reason, it leaves people to fend for themselves. And when one is weak or poor, they cannot protect themselves or the ones that they love and care for. This is when they are taken under.
    The act of slavery is taking place all over the world. In 5 different continents, you can see slavery with your own eyes. Every country except Iceland and Greenland has some form of slavery taking place at this time.
    Most people, now a days, fall victim to slavery because they are in a rut. They are watching their children die of starvation or sickness. They are desperate. And then they meet someone who offers a job. They accept what they think, is what they need, but little do they know, they are now enslaved.
    The difference between slavery yesteryear and slavery now is that slaves were expensive then. And now, they are cheap. Slaves use to cost about $40,000, now they cost about $90. In some cases, they can cost $5 or $10. The difference is the price collapse.
    Botched emancipation is a terrible truth. A lot of us do it in different ways. But in this case, it means, when we help a person by removing them from slavery but then we leave them helpless in terms of their economic lives and status.
    According to the video, we can help end modern slavery by one thing, intellectual power.

  2. *Slavery today means; you are forced to work without pay, under a threat of violence and can not walk away. There are at least still 27 million slaves in the world today. People are getting beaten right now as you read this. Slavery is a horrible thing. It takes a persons' free will. They do not have an income, and in most cases, they don't have an education. All they have is their selves, and they have three choices; stay, die, or run(which may result in death).
    *Slavery happens today, just like it did from over two hundred years ago. HUMAN BEINGS get treated like animals and labor machines. The slave owners put fear into the slaves' hearts with cruel rules, and whippings. They do this because; yes they may have bought the slaves, but in the end it is all profit because they don't pay slaves.
    *Slavery today takes place in more or less third world countries, but it is still every where. There are slaves everywhere in the world except Iceland, and Greenland. Other than that, slavery still goes on. There is still traces of slavery in North America.
    *The people that fall victim to modern day slavery are people who are victims of extreme poverty, and vulnerability. They can't fend for them selves. so they seek to find some type of job. then they become enslaved. Then, the rest of their life is more miserable then what it was.
    *The change in slavery now to me would be the race. Back then you would only REALLY hear about African slaves. Now you hear about, hispanic, caucasion, Asian, and all other types. Slavery has expanded and no longer has only one, or maybe two ethnicities. Anyone could be a slave now.
    *Botched emancipation in this case would be taking a person out of slavery, but then dropping them. Ex- i'm free, now what? They may be free, but then you throw them right back into what they were in before they got caught upt in slavery.
    *My thoughts about modern slavery is the same for yester-year slavery; I HATE it. Either way you look at it, it is still keeping someone against their will. Liberation is when you take someone out of slavery, and you show them how their should be. You help them find a job, food, and a place to stay.
    *According to the video, we can help end modern slavery by one thing; intellectual power. That means instead of saying something, or just doing it with out thinking, actually think about what has to be done to end slavery for good...

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  4. Slavery is when people are forced to work without pay under threat of violence and unable to walk away. Slavery still exists today. Most people enslaved that are today were tricked into becoming a slave. People are asked if they want a job, then they volunteer because their children needed support and they will do anything it takes to help them. Then when they work hard for many hours and doing back breaking work that they no longer want to do, they try to leave and then they can’t.
    In the world today slavery can happen in a couple of ways. One of the ways is population explosion. So many people basically came out of nowhere and the demands for needs are higher. Another way was extreme poverty and vulnerability (civil war, kleptocratic government, climate change, natural disasters). Also corruption and especially police corruption are another way why slavery started.
    Slavery is practiced is many parts around the world, more places than you would expect. There are less than 500,000 slaves in North America, Australia, and some parts of Europe. There are 500,000-5 million slaves in South America and Africa. There are more than 5 million slaves in India and surrounding places. There are some places in the world where there is no trace of slavery.
    The types of people that tend to fall victim to the horrors of slavery are innocent people. It is usually people that are tricked in to slavery. They are asked to work then they know they have to, to save their family, but they are kept there and are forced to work without any pay. These people are usually very poor and don’t have anything to look forward to.
    The remarkable difference between American slavery of yesteryear and slavery in the modern world is that slavery used to be expensive. Slavery was expensive in the past, but now it is very cheap. For example, to have a slave that is not in America can range anywhere from $10-$15 a day. In America it can cost a lot more. Forced labor is now demanded by people and it happens more than you think.
    Freedom dividend is when slaves are free from forced labor and they start to start living a regular life and they become consumers and producers and local economies start to get going. Trying to get people out of slavery is very expensive but it can also help communities in the long run. It won’t just pay them out at a onetime cost, but it will help in the future to.
    Botched emancipation is when in 1865 in this country, 4 million people lifted out of slavery and dumped without political participation, decent education, any kind of real opportunities in terms of economic lives, and sentenced to generations of violence and prodigious and discrimination. This is the reason we don’t just want to free slaves. We would want to both have them freed and get them real opportunities so they can live a semi-normal life.
    I think modern slavery is, in a way, worse than America’s yesteryear slavery. Today people in the world are able to help with today’s modern slavery. If everyone can donate a little bit of money, we can all help out the enslaved people. When looking at liberation in the video it looked exciting for both the freed slaves and the family that they were returning to. They looked happy and exciting to be back.
    According to the video, to end modern day slavery is for everyone to help in the world. He states in the video, if we are not able to help with it then are we really free ourselves?

  5. The current definition of slavery is exactly what it has always been. Slavery is when people are “forced to work without pay under threat of violence and are unable to walk away.” Today, there are about 27 million slaves, which is a shocking number. 27 million is double the number that came out of Africa in the entire transatlantic slave trade.
    What makes people a slave is the absence of the rule of law. If the rule of law is sound, all of the people are protected, including the poor. Corruption is what causes slaves. If violence is used, the poor and vulnerable can be forced into slavery.
    The act of slavery has been taking place mostly all over the world. Slavery is in five out of the seven continents of the world. Every country except Iceland and Green currently has forms of slavery.
    The desperate usually fall victim to the cruelty of slavery. The people who hadn’t had a job in a while and fear that they will not be able to find another soon. The people who have hungry children and are willing to do anything to feed them are the people who usually fall victim. They are usually offered a job and accept without knowing much about the harsh work conditions and soon, they realize they are enslaved.
    The difference between modern slaves and yesteryear slaves is how much they were worth. Now they are cheap, compared to a long time ago when they were expensive. They used to cost about $40,000 and now they cost about $90. The main difference is the price.

    Botched emancipation is referring to this country when all of the slaves were freed from slavery and left without political participation, decent education, any kind of real opportunities in terms of economic lives, and sentenced to generations of violence and prodigious and discrimination. We, as people, would want to both have them freed and get them real opportunities so they can live a semi-normal life.
    I think yesteryear slavery was a lot worse. Slavery back then was considered normal which is a lot worse than today because people recognize it’s an issue. Not much people back then actually tried to change slaver but now, people actually travel around the world trying to help. According to slavery, the way modern slavery is going to end is if everyone helps.

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  8. *Slavery is a system in which people are the property of others. Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. In some societies it was legal for an owner to kill a slave. In others it was a crime to kill a slave. Slaves were usually considered somehow different than their owners. They might belong to a different race, religion, nationality, or ethnic background. By focusing on such differences, slave owners felt they could deny basic human rights to their slaves.
    *Today there are over 27 million slavers. This is double the number that came out of Africa in the entire transatlantic slave trade. Our population is increasing we went from two billion people to almost seven billion people in the last 50 years. T
    *Slavery happens everywhere there are only two continents in the world that might not have slavery: Iceland and Greenland. Many slaves are used to destroy our environment.
    *The people who are often tricked in to slavery are they are poor and want to provide for their families. They are tired of seeing their children sick and suffering. So when the people come into their village and ask “Who Needs A Job” they run at the opportunity.
    *People who were enslaved in 1865 were set free and “Dumped” there was no political participation, decent education, any kind of real opportunity. Then they were sentenced to generations of violence and prejudice and discrimination. Slaves today are set free and thought these things. They are given a chance to succeed n society today. Today slaves are very cheap compared to slave of 1865.
    *Botched emancipation in this case would be taking a person out of slavery, but then dropping them. They are increased vulnerability of very large numbers of people in the developing world, caused by civil wars, ethnic conflicts, kleptocratic governments, disease.
    *My thoughts on Modern Slavery are the same as everybody elses it wrong no matter how you dress it up. You’re still taken someone and making them work against their will. Liberation looks like Children rescued from slavery in the fishing industry in Ghana, reunited with their parents and then taken with their parents back to their villages
    *According to the video, we can help end modern slavery by one thing; intellectual power.

  9. The definition of slavery in the video states “ slavery: force to work without pay under the threat of violence and unable to walk away. People are threatened to work without pay and if they don’t they are beaten and possibly made an example of. So that anyone else who wants to stand against this will be treated the same way.
    Men and woman who don’t have money to take care of there children go to a person who ask you want a job? So they go with them if that means anyway they can take care of their family. And when they go with that trusted person that says they can provide money for working hands sells them into slavery. Far away form their families they wanted to protect.

    People who are kidnapped in to slavery are people who don’t have jobs of their own. They need to take care of there children or mother or sister. So they do what they can they will risk their own health for someone else’s. It can even happen to children. They can be promised money for there parents or promised an education. So they go with that stranger who uses them for money.

    They difference now is that people don’t cost as much anymore they cost way less. In the film he compare the consumption of people with the consumption of plastic cups. Dispensable. People aren’t worth as much which makes buying simpler.

    If we save those slaves. Not just get them away from the bad people and give them something to eat. But free them give them responsibility, encourage them then they will become “unslaveable” and in doing that their community will grow and flourish. They can save others. They can be the bright light that saves others from slavery.

    Americas "botched emancipation” was when slaves were freed from the slave owners in America. But they weren’t really free. They were not given an education, the right to vote, or anything that the people who could claim the word American could get. They just could work for pay. So they still had to fight for the rights that “Americans” had. Which has created a huge rift in America’s history and will most likely continue in America’s future.

    Of cores any slavery is bad including this one. But seeing the scars on the kids back or the kids who had to walk up a mountain caring rocks was painful but the one thing out of the whole film that made my stomach turn flips was when I found out that all this could have been gone by now. This doesn’t even need to exist because American alone could change this. The fact that all we need to do is use the money we use on snacks in a year could change this whole thing around. We are in a recession. Money doesn’t come cheap and knowing that we can still free millions of people, hearing that made me feel so sick. Why hasn’t this been changed already? Freedom looks so wonderful but why is it talking so long to happen?
    The video said the can end it with intellectual power.

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