English III: Calendar of Learning

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Power of Words (DUE 5/5)

DIRECTIONS: Watch the video and find a quote that illustrates what the video is trying to say. Post a comment with the quote and your explanation of why it too communicates the same message.


  1. Always keep an open mind and a compassionate heart.
    Phil Jackson

    I think this quote illustrates the same messages because in the video the girl does something kind for a complete stranger. This quote is basically saying that you should be able to do something for some one else out of the kindness of your heart. You shouldn't do something to get stuff in return but just out of the kindness of your heart.

  2. It is by acts and not by ideas that people live.-Harry Emerson Fosdick

    People can say that they would want to do something to help someone or make the world a better place but no one follows through with there ideas. If everyone did what theyd say to change things we'd might possibly be living differently. The womans acts where what a bunch of people walking past may have thought but didnt actually carry out doing. This changed peoples minds.

  3. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~Winston Churchill

    i think this quote ties in with the video by a wy of the old man asking for money and that we make a living of what we give. the reason being is that he is begging for money to help himself servive. But the other part of the quote it says that we can all change the wold by giving back to the need. we can all change the outcome of a situation.

  4. "Change brings opportunity."
    -Nido Qubein

    I feel that this quote explains this video perfectly. The fact that if you change the words to really express the true meaning of how you feel can drastically change the way a person thinks about things. In a way, the fact that she changed the words, gave the blind man the opportunity to recieve more money from those strangers then he would have. This is why I feel that this quote perfectly describes the video. Because change brings opportunity.

  5. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~Winston Churchill

    i think this quote ties in with the video by a wy of the old man asking for money and that we make a living of what we give. the reason being is that he is begging for money to help himself servive. But the other part of the quote it says that we can all change the wold by giving back to the need. we can all change the outcome of a situation. Words can change the world its so powerful.

  6. "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." ~Mother Teresa

    I chose this quote because to me it greatly portrays the message in the video. The quote is basically saying that the things we do have greater meaning than the actual act. It goes with the video because her changing the sign, yes it was nice, but the act of her actually stopping was the greater meaning behind the act.

  7. “Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.”
    Blaise Pascal
    I think this has a lot to with the video. Because the girl helped the man so it was kindness which did accomplish a lot. The girl just put a few more words on a board but she chose to be kind to this man and help him out. Its important to help others because the end result can be very beautiful.

  8. "Same things are said differently in extraordinary measures in simple formats."
    -John Fitz

    This is my own quote. The video says that if you want to get peoples attention, you must say and write what will catch peoples eye and what they want to hear. People don't want to read the same thing everyone else says, they want to see something extrordinary. Its like the song, "Only the good die young" by Billy joel. Originally the song was made as a regge based song. Then at last minute Billy decided to change it to what the public wants to hear. He decided to creat something everyone want to hear instead of himself.

  9. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

    In the video the girl help the man, but who knew she would have done that to a stranger, so she did something that she never done before. That girl could be you in a different time or different situation but you will make a difference maybe something you will do for the first time. Every day is a new day and you don’t know what will happen, make a difference and you will find Something New ON YOU.

  10. If you didn't write 7-10 sentences elaborating on the quote and how it connects to the message of the video, then you did not write enough. Please revise and comment again! Thanks! :)

  11. “Words are the keys to the heart.”
    Chinese proverb

    The reason why this quote communicates the same message is because the blind man wasn’t getting as much change when his sign read that he was blind. But when the women changed the way he wrote the sign to “It’s a beautiful day out and I can’t see it.” The words really make you feel for the blind man. It touches your heart that you can see and he can’t. It changed the perspective of the way people thought because they way it was worded. The other way it was worded felt like it was forcing people to feel bad. Choosing your words wisely could make a big difference.

  12. "Every word has a synonym." -Briana Feliciano

    I think this quote explains exactly what this video is trying to say. You can say everything in a different way- and sometimes, that's best. In this video, she helped a man by changing his sentence- but, it meant the exact same thing but had a bigger impact.Sometimes, we need to change our words for them to reach out and touch EVERYBODY. Before we speak, we should ask ourselves if our statement could be said in a better way. Every word can be said differently and sometimes different is the best way to go.

  13. The best way to find good in thyself is to begin to look for good in others. –Unknown

    I think this quote means that there is good in everyone. All you have to do is give them a chance. That person might shock you. The little thing we may do to help someone may have a huge impact on that persons life.Treat people how you want to be treated. Be kind to everyone even if they dont do the same to you. Give people second chances because life won't. Thats what it think this quote is about.

  14. "A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination."
    Nelson Mandela

    I think that this quote means that if you show that you are doing a good deed, then good things will happen to you. The way you act to people is the way people will act towards you. If you show the person that you have a good heart then you will get somewhere in life. Even if things gets rough you still will find a way to survive. Just by you showing that you are a good person and that you don't take anything for granted. If you believe that you have a good heart then you will be successful throughout everything that bad happen in your life. Showing others that you care make them want to care more for you.

  15. "Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day." This quote was quoted in the movie "P.S. I Love you", compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. This quote is obviously saying, to do something nice for a starnger even if it's a smile, it might change his/her whole day.I think this quote extremly relates to this video. In the video, the girl does something nice for a complete stranger which, is something that people don't normally do. This quote is basically sayig to do great things from the heart because YOU actually want to. The littlest things you do can change their whole day, remember that.

  16. "A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money."
    John Ruskin

    I truly think that this quote relates to the video in every way. In the video the women took time out of her day to help someone that could be carried out to a greater extent. My meaning of that statement is that this random women could of gave that poor old man money to help him out. Instead she did something more greater then giving over a little change. She changed his life just by writing some kinds words that took less time to give out money in my opinion. I think this quote is great because it shows that thre are so many caring people who also look out for others. The smallest things help in large ways, but first you have to find out how.
